The team of the Info5Stars is: Ruy & Patry.
We´ll publish the best Freewares (Free softwares - "open to the public"), Pictures, Videos, Creativity, Curiosity, Gadgets, and much more.
Please see: Disclaimer, click here.
This site/blog is only supported by our advertisers and donations.
Use Patry-email (patryluxembourg at yahoo dot fr) for advertising or donations (paypal-account).
Our emails (use emails only for "important questions", remember that you have CBOX for normal messages, on the top of the site)
Patry - email/contact: (patryluxembourg at yahoo dot fr)
Patry speaks: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German.
Ruy - email/contact: (ruyblog at gmail dot com)
Ruy speaks: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish.
Our Goals :
Publish "Entertainment": Pictures, Videos, "Creativity", "Curiosity", Gadgets, Etc.
Publish the best freewares (free softwares).
Publish tips that can help you.
Best regards,
Info5Stars (Ruy & Patry)
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